decolonising the mind

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WHERE ARE YOU FROM? Archive Page for the past event during KULTURHAVN with author Lesley-Ann Brown (Blackgirl on Mars) on August 28, 2021. Moderator for the event was curator Malou Solfjeld. Location Knippelsbro / Under the bridge Rosforth & Rosforth Knippelsbrogade 10 1409 København K I AM A PERSON, NOT A PLACE Participants were asked […]

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“The Kitchen Table Series depicts the battle around the family . . . monogamy . . . and between the sexes.” Carrie Mae Weems (United States) is the fourth artist at The Caribbean Housewife. We presented her ‘Kitchen Table Series’: the first publication dedicated solely to this early and important body of work by the American […]

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“Based on my own Danish West Indian background, I examine and process themes related to the transatlantic slave trade that, despite the predominant collective repression, still play an important part in our society. My work is a personal taking history to task and a protest against the suppression of and often ignorant attitude towards these […]

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